Training hours
It is a training and experimentation space born out of a combination of ZubiGune’s experience in managing and providing vocational training and its knowledge of the techniques and technologies which, together, form the Circular Bioeconomy.
The recent coming into force of Basque Autonomous Community Energy Sustainability Act 4/2019, of 21 February, obliges the administrations of the historical territories to fulfil the duties and obligations that have been established to promote energy saving and efficiency measures and promote and implement renewable energies.
A grant scheme consisting of non-repayable subsidies to support Collaborative Research, organised by the Research, Development and Innovation Organisations that are part of the Basque Science, Technology and Innovation Network, in the areas of specialisation defined in the Basque Science, Technology and Innovation Plan 2020.
The culture of ZubiGune Fundazioa is based on the bridges of knowledge, know-how and doing.
Usurbilgo Lanbide Eskola is a Specific Institute of Superior Professional Formation.
It provides initial vocational training (training cycles of medium and higher level), continuous (courses for workers) and occupational (courses for unemployed).